HaZamir CT Chapter Conductor Job Description
HaZamir: The International Jewish Teen Choir is a network of choral chapters across the United States and Israel and is a program of the Zamir Choral Foundation. HaZamir is a highly structured program and is open to all musical Jewish teens in grades 9-12, provided they pass an audition demonstrating that they can match pitch and hold their part independently in a 4-part ensemble. HaZamir promotes excellence in musical performance as it strengthens Jewish pride and identity. HaZamir is a pluralistic and inclusive program.
Individual HaZamir chapters meet weekly to learn a common repertoire and then gather for regional, national and international events to polish and perform that repertoire. All chapters gather in the spring for the annual HaZamir Festival which culminates in a Gala Concert in a major venue in New York City. HaZamir will provide all music and other materials, including educational material, along with support in the following areas: Administration, Youth Development, Music / conducting guidance and guidelines, Rehearsal technique, Educational materials and teaching tools. HaZamir conductors are responsible for preparing their local teens for the annual Festival and Gala Concert, where they will ultimately join hundreds of HaZamir singers from dozens of other chapters across the U.S. and Israel to perform the shared repertoire by heart.
In order to accomplish this, HaZamir chapter conductors should be: Dynamic teachers and music educators who can inspire, motivate, and connect with teens. Familiar with choral music and choral singing skills. Able to work as part of a team of international HaZamir conductor. Familiar with Jewish music and culture and the Hebrew language (preferred). Conductor responsibilities include:
✓ Recruiting and auditioning potential singers
✓ Conducting weekly 2-hour rehearsals for the 2022-2023 academic year
✓ Preparation of the prescribed repertoire
✓ Weekly communication with teens and parents
✓ Bi-weekly communication with the HaZamir National Office
✓ Sharing educational notes (provided by HaZamir National Office) with singers
✓ Attendance at:
o Annual HaZamir Conductor meeting at the North American Jewish Choral Festival (July, one day)
o HaZamir Northeast Intervisitation Retreat (January, two days: Sunday/Monday)
o HaZamir Festival & Gala Concert (Late March, Thursday afternoon through Sunday evening)
Potential candidates should send a cover letter and resume to hazamir@zamirchoralfoundation.org