President's Message - Feb 2019

Dear Friends -

Happy February! As your CT-ACDA President, one of my New Year’s Resolutions is to increase awareness of our events and to that end, here is your first monthly message! There is a lot coming up, so be careful not to miss anything--


Elections - In addition to our usual biennial election of a President-Elect, this year we also need to elect a President (to fill the vacancy left by our dear colleague Dr. Cory Ganschow - our loss is Illinois’ gain!). Please nominate yourself or a colleague via this form by next Friday, Feb. 8. No candidate may run unopposed, so we need at least two nominees for each position!


Student Scholarship
Congratulations to the winner of our first ACDA Conference Scholarship, Kaylin Spaulding from WestConn! Each year, CT-ACDA will award one student $200 to help with the cost of attending the Division/National Conference. To win, you simply must be a student member and attend our state conference - double entries for students who volunteer to help out!

National Conference in Kansas City - Feb. 27th is the ACDA 60th Anniversary Jubilee National Conference!! I am excited as always to be attending, and I promise to share as much great stuff as possible on social media for those who can’t be there. Are you planning to attend? Be sure to let us know on the Facebook Event page so CT people can connect!


All-State Boot Camps - ACDA will be sponsoring “All-State Boot Camp” sessions in each of the four regions to help students prepare their CMEA All-State music, get excited about the festival, and make connections with other singers prior to the big event. The boot camps will take place on March 24 and 31st, specific locations and times TBA. Stay tuned for details!

ACDA at CMEA - We are collaborating with CMEA for a great In-Service Conference/All-State Festival! There will be three fabulous Showcase Choirs as well as some new CT-ACDA sponsored events like a K-12 choral reading session with special guest composer Jake Narverud, and Happy Hour with the All-State choir conductors Michelle Jensen and TJ Harper - more details coming next month!


Choral Calendar - Feb. 4 will be our first #musicmonday! Each week, members will receive a bulletin of all the concerts on our choral calendar for the upcoming week. We hope for this calendar (on the member resources section of our website) to become the place to check dates and find concerts to attend. Want your event publicized to every member of CT-ACDA? Simply "invite" to the event in your phone/online calendar. Alternatively, feel free to email event details to the appropriate R&R chairperson

Website - Check out our new Student Chapter page. Find contact information for CT-ACDA Student Chapters, as well as contact information for their advisors and student officers.

Member login - Your login and password for the Member Resources section of the website should be your primary email on file with ACDA and your ACDA member number. If you have any problems logging in, please let us know, and we will help you out!

If you made it this far, congratulations! As always, don't hesitate to contact me personally with questions, concerns, suggestions, or ideas. Have a great February!

Rachael Allen
President, CT-ACDA

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