What are the Premiere Choirs?
CT-ACDA has commissioned five composers to create new, accessible works to be performed in a premiere showcase at our Artists Among Us Conference. Each composer-in-residence has been matched with a guest conductor and pianist-collaborator. Each creative team will have two hours to prepare their choir for the premiere showcase.

Who is eligible to sing?
Unison/2pt Premiere Choir: Singers in grades 3-5
SAB Premiere Choir: Singers in grades 6-8
SATB Premiere Choir: Singers in grades 9 and beyond
SSAA Premiere Choir: Singers in grades 9 and beyond
Music-in-Worship/Gospel Premiere Choir: Singers in grades 9 and beyond

Is this like an honor choir?
Not really. Making music is for everyone. We welcome all singers who would like to participate in this unique experience. We have tasked our composers-in-residence with creating accessible and interesting pieces that would be successful with ensembles of all shapes and sizes.

Is there an audition?
No! CT-ACDA conference attendees will select and sponsor singers for each ensemble.

How many singers can I sponsor?
CT-ACDA members can sponsor up to 8 singers per ensemble.
Non-members can sponsor up to 4 singers per ensemble.
We will also accept additional names on a waiting list should there be extra space.

Can I sponsor singers for more than one ensemble?
Yes! For example, if you are a CT-ACDA member who teaches high school, you could sponsor up to 24 singers—8 in the SATB choir, 8 in the SSAA choir, and 8 in the Music-in-Worship/Gospel choir!

What is the cost per singer?
$35. After you register your singers online, CT-ACDA will send you an invoice with payment instructions, either by credit card, check, or Institutional PO.

Do singers have to be enrolled in a K-12 school program?
No! Directors can sponsor private students, collegiate singers, community choir members, church choir members… all are welcome!

Can directors choose to sing in the premiere choirs?
Yes! Directors can register as a Premiere Choir performer as part of their conference registration package. They can attend the conference for most of the day, participate in our conference lunch, and then spend the late afternoon rehearsing with the premiere choirs.

Will performers receive the music before the conference?
Yes. We hope to send copies to performers in early October in hopes that they will prepare well for the day.

Will the premiere choirs perform additional repertoire?
No. Each choir will only perform their world premiere during the premiere showcase.

Can families attend the Premiere Showcase?
Yes. The performance will be free to attend, but we will accept donations.

I have other students participating in Sing On, UConn! on the same day… Can they travel with just one bus?
Yes. We imagine that high school directors in particular may have students who are in rehearsals at UConn all day, but the premiere choirs only rehearse in the afternoon. We will have a space and activities for premiere choir students who choose to travel with their Sing On, UConn! classmates. Those students will have lunch on their own at the same time as the UConn participants.

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